How to expand your network of people


At the fundamental level of every transaction or interaction anywhere in the world there is a human being. To ensure one’s success in today’s interconnected world we need to make sure we know good and helpful human beings. People who will help us out in our field of work or interest. This group of people is called a network. You probably already have a network. Your friends, family, teachers, colleagues, the shop-owner at the end of the street. They are all people who add some value to your life and in turn you add value to theirs. But you can do better than that. If you have a strong and wide network, a lot of new opportunities open up and your work becomes a lot easier.

So how exactly are you going to go about expanding your network of people? Well, it doesn’t happen in a day. It takes time and effort but it becomes easier if you inculcate it into your day-to-day life. Treat it as necessary activity and internalize the need for it.


The first step to building any kind of network is to interact with people. The key to that is confidence. Be confident in yourself and what you can do. Showcase your talents without being too overbearing and make yourself noticeable. Be approachable and likeable. This makes introductions way easier. Approach people by going up to them just like you would when you’re trying to make friends. Look at every person you approach as a possible long-term relationship full of amazing experiences and opportunities. Talk to them and share your experiences, visions and aspirations. Open up to them and they might give you a new perspective on things. Or they might open up new doors to ventures that might be perfect for you. Or you may harbour a new and exciting bond with them which you’ll cherish forever. The possibilities are endless.

Don’t know where to meet people in your field? Go to places where the people you want to network with usually hang out. It may be a restaurant, a thela or even a park. Go up to them and introduce yourself. Strike up a conversation. Connecting with people you work with or study with or have done so in the past helps build a rapport with them and makes you more popular.

You could also try connecting with people online. Go to forums or chats related to your field of interest and share your opinions. Give insightful comments and people will notice you. A great place for professional networking is LinkedIn. Connect with the people you know and interact with them. Don’t be shy to reach out to those second-degree connections. You can also use other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or any other informal medium to bond with your contacts and find new friends. Go crazy with those DMs.

The key here is to try, try and try. Don’t be afraid to be rejected because some people will. But that’s how you learn and grow.


Once you’ve found and interacted with people you want to network with, you have to follow it up. If you get someone’s number or e-mail address, call/text or e-mail them the next day just to say hello. Keep your connections alive. Once they know you, they need to like you. For that to happen you have to give as much as you receive. Be a good listener. The key to making anyone like you is to make them feel special. Be responsive, reciprocative and resourceful. Your insight is just as useful to them as theirs is to you. Do small favours for other people. Help your connections also grow because if they become stronger they can help you become stronger too. This also helps build your reputation and keeps you in their mind. But be sure to only make promises that you can keep and make sure you deliver. Nothing ruins your relationships and your image faster than a broken promise.


One of the perks of having a good network is that you can use it to expand your network even further. A very easy way of doing that is by talking to a lot of people. Put yourself out there. Don’t be shy or apprehensive. Never be afraid to ask your contacts for an introduction or an interview or any other favours. In fact, you can even trade introductions and help each other grow.

Learn to find the right community and for you and be active in it. And don’t just interact with your peers. Interact with your bosses/seniors and your juniors alike. It opens up new avenues and they can widen your perspective with their insight.

If you still feel you need a more direct platform to find contacts and expand your network go ahead and attend a networking event, either online or offline. Finally, don’t forget to be friendly, amicable and when you need to be, professional. Good luck!

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